
Potential Energy - Power - Power in term of force and velocity

Potential Energy - Power - Power in term of force and velocity:  

Simple Harmonic Motion and Conditions- What is Simple Harmonic Motion?

Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple Harmonic Motion is a special kind of Vibratory/Oscillatory Motion in which acceleration of the body is directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position and is always directed towards the mean position is called Simple Harmonic Motion. What are conditions for simple Harmonic Motion: There are three conditions must fulfill by a body executing simple Harmonic Motion  Acceleration of of the body must be directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position. Acceleration of the body must be directed to the mean position. System should be frictionless and body executing simple Harmonic Motion must have inertia and restoring Force.

Physics IX-X 2024 Practicals List Class 10th Karachi Board

9th and 10th Class Physics Practicals List 2024 

What is vibratory motion ?

 Definition Vibratory or Oscillatory Motion If a body moves to and fro or back and forth about a fixed point or at an equilibrium position then this is called Oscillatory or vibratory motion. Examples of Vibratory or Oscillatory Motion  Motion of simple Pendulum  Motion of a swing Motion of mass and spring system. Is vibratory and Oscillatory Motion same  is vibratory and Oscillatory Motion is vibratory motion and oscillatory motion same is vibratory motion periodic difference between vibratory and oscillatory motion how is vibratory motion different from oscillatory motion difference between vibratory motion and simple harmonic motion motion the same motion the same thing motion

Solved Physics ix Paper I 2019 AKUEB

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AKU EB Solved ix Physics SSC 1 Paper I 2017

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